Monday, September 6, 2010

Sugar Free Popsicles, the ultimate pacifier

When my daughter was younger, I was militant about only giving her perfectly nutritious foods. I contemplated skipping the first birthday cake, only to cave when her Nana insisted that one little tiny piece of cake would not kill her, especially since she was far more likely to just play with it than actually eat it. This lasted for a while, then someone gave my daughter sugar. I don't know who it was, I can't remember. All I know is that this has had a profound influence on what my daughter likes to eat. Since starting potty training, we've discovered that while stickers are effective for #1, #2 needed something more enticing. We've discovered that a small piece of chocolate works wonders. Much to my chagrin. Of course, her daddy and I are not the models of healthy eating so I was going to be fighting an uphill battle. This is where sugar free popsicles come in. I know they aren't great for her, but I figure at 15 calories a piece, it won't be her demise. So when I need a few minutes peace, I have been known to offer up a super delicious pineapple, orange, or fruit punch popsicle (usually orange, since I don't like those as much as the other two, and she seems to not mind so long as she's eating a popsicle.) I know this is a horrible practice. I really do. But man, sometimes I just need a break, and those few minutes that she is sitting her in own chair eating one is like a little slice of paradise for me. Made even better if I'm consuming my own pineapple flavored one.

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